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Wound Care Specialist

Vein Clinics of Lake County, and Wound Care Center

Vascular, Vein and Wound Specialist located in Concord, Madison, & Middlefield, OH

Circulation problems caused by conditions like diabetes and peripheral arterial disease can lead to painful open sores on your legs (also known as Arterial Ulcer). Advanced Vein disease or Lymphedema can cause recurrent or non-healing leg ulcers. You may have a wound caused by trauma, burn, or a non-healing incision after any kind of surgery. If you have wounds like these, Razieh Mohseni, MD, of Vein Clinics of Lake County, and Wound Care Center is an expert in treating causes of leg ulcers and providing the most advanced wound care (any type of skin wound) services in the region. Call the Concord, Madison, or Middlefield, Ohio, office or book an appointment online.

Wound Care

What is wound care?

Wound care is a specialized approach to treating open sores known as ulcers. Some ulcers can be difficult to heal for a variety of reasons. 

Non-Healing (Chronic Ulcers) may cause long-term discomfort and disability. They also get infected easily, leading to complications such as Cellulitis, sepsis, or even gangrene, meaning the tissue starts to die.

Gangrenous leg ulcers could result in amputation of your foot or leg, so preventing these wounds and treating them correctly, and early on is vital. Vein Clinics of Lake County, and Wound Care Center specializes in the treatment of all types of leg ulcers.

Why might I need wound care?

There are three leading causes of ulcers that might necessitate wound care services:


Diabetes is a common condition where your body doesn't make enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that your body needs to metabolize sugar. If there's an excess of sugar in your body, it remains in your circulatory system and can damage the blood vessels in your legs.

Heart and artery problems

Your heart is the focal point of your circulatory system, delivering oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body. Coronary artery disease (CAD), peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and other heart problems can reduce blood flow, depriving tissues of oxygen and nutrition.

Vascular disease

Vascular disease is a factor in the development of the majority of chronic, nonhealing wounds. Venous reflux or chronic venous insufficiency is one of the most common causes, where the valves in your veins stop working as they should, allowing blood to pool in your veins. Advanced Lymphedema may also cause nonhealing ulcers.

Other causes of nonhealing ulcers include pressure injury (known also as bed sores), Burns, Trauma, and accidents, nonhealing (or reopened surgical incision), and Radiation injury.

What does wound care involve?

There are many underlying reasons for a wound not to heal timely. There could be infection or poor circulation (arterial or venous disease). Underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, heavy smoking, emphysema, cancer treatments, kidney disease, and malnutrition all can interfere with wound healing.

If you have chronic venous insufficiency, wearing compression stockings can help improve blood flow. You might also need to undergo a minimally invasive procedure such as:

  • Sclerotherapy
  • Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT)
  • Endovenous radiofrequency ablation
  • Ambulatory phlebectomy

If the problem is in your arteries rather than your veins, a procedure such as balloon angioplasty with or without stenting opens up the narrowed arteries and improves blood flow to your legs. Managing your diabetes effectively can also help wounds to heal.

Some patients need to take medications to help improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots. Non Healing wounds may contain dead tissue and debris built up on the surface, which may require debridement, the removal of dead and infected areas. 

Debridement is then followed by the application of special dressings. Proper local dressing and proper nutrition are very important factors in wound healing.

If you notice any skin discoloration, frequent skin infections, or have a sore on any part of your body that won't heal, get expert wound care advice and treatment before your condition worsens. Call Vein Clinics of Lake County, and Wound Care Center today, or book an appointment online.